On last weekend's race: Rocky Raccoon, Huntsville, TX.
What surprised you most about the race?
The volunteers were incredible. The organization was top notch and the way they had the drop bags at the dam road was great.
What advice helped you achieve your goal?
The best advice from Lisa- start slow to finish strong. Run a 70 mile training run with a 30 mile race in the end. No death march.
Did you meet any new friends on the course?
I met a really nice guy, Jeff, who ran Hardrock this year. It was really interesting to talk to him. I also met a man during the last three miles who kicked my butt into gear and helped push me to a sub- 25:30 finish.
Is there something you learned that you'll use in future races (good, bad, or ugly!)
Run your own race. Let people pass you in the first half. You'll get to pass them later on.
Any words of advice for others thinking about doing an ultra?
Train well, train hard, be prepared and you can do it.
Full race report:
meredith it was a pleasure to run with you again. it sounds like you had a great run. congrats and hope to see you at many future races.
What a personal best you had on this course!! You just keep doing what you are doing because it is really working for you. Western States here we come:)
So proud of you and so proud of your hubby running his 1st 50 mile.
Meredith--you make me smile. You are my new favorite acupuncturist ;)! Good luck at WS--let me know where you'll pop up next! Kira
Great job on the race, girl!
It was great to see you and your honey out there having fun!
can not wait to see you holding your Western States buckle! your collection is growing!!!
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