On last weekend's Rocky Raccoon Race in Huntsville, TX
What surprised you most about the race?
The fantastic aid stations that had real food late in the race---burritos, grilled ham and cheese, quesadillas, yum. I was also surprised by the new bridges that had been constructed between Dam Road and the last aid station; last year that section was extremely muddy and the new bridges made it much more runnable.
What advice helped you achieve your goal?
As always, it was Lisa's gentle reminders that seemed to pop into my head at the right times, "put your head down and let it hurt." I reminded myself that everyone was hurting at any given point and the fastest way to alleviate that discomfort was to keep moving. I was reminded that I "will recover." I remembered that for me, it truly does feel THAT good when you've worked THAT hard. It needs to be tough in order to be satisfying. In addition, I ran into Lisa and Ed on the course and mentioned that my quads hurt. To which Lisa replied, "Oh well, they're only quads." Fight on.
Did you meet any new friends on the course?
Yes! I met Larry King on the first loop and we ran into the main aid station together. It was great to talk with him and I was essentially chasing him the rest of the way. He smoked me on the last lap...great job. It was also great to see so many friends there.
Is there something you learned that you'll use in future races (good, bad, or ugly!)
"You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think," --Christopher Robin to Pooh
Any words of advice for others thinking about doing an ultra?
Same as above. There's nothing like that first finish line; the feeling cannot be manufactured or duplicated. It's magic.
Kira! It was great to see you again. You kicked some 100 mile butt out there. You have really become an incredibly strong and consistant runner.
Way to go Kira. It was good to see you again (last time was JFK 50), even though it was a quick "hey" as we crossed paths out there.
Se you soon.
Kira: I wish I could have seen you finish. It was great FINALLY getting to meet you and run with you. I'm still laughing at the comment you made to me when I was coming out of Far Side. You smacked me on the arm as you passed and said, "You're spanking it man!". That made my day. Congrats on getting that sub-24 finish! Until next time... :)
great run kira! sorry my slow ass wasn't there to see you before you left. maybe nxt time.
Hey, Girl! You were flying so fast out there I couldn't be sure it was really Kira! No getting lost this year though, right? You ran such a great race. Congratulations!
Bob Becker
Hi Kira and Gary..you both are beaming with happiness. It shows in everything you are doing.
You both look beautiful.
Kira?? what hills??:):)
Way to get that personal best. Your hard work and determination is paying off..besides an amazing pacer.
So proud of you both
you are such a super-star! always fun to be on any course with you. congrats on an outstanding race and for working so hard!
MDS here we come,
ok..ok..so greg, gary...:):)
give me a rest..did ya know my fever was 104????
maybe I can't see to get his name right because he is so darn good looking! No really..its his email address!!! Greg...I will chant it all the way to the next race!!! You rock
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