Dreamchasers has 7 running Leadville this year! Wow..so much makes me want to get in the car and go run the race myself!!! I feel good, really good.
On Friday look for a blog post with some great information on those running Leadville and one student that is running for an amazing purpose! Matt...Leadville will be his FIRST ultra let alone his first 100!
I am spending good time on the bike right now while I am waiting for my new light weight bike that actually fits..How thankful will I be? you have NO idea! Most all of my miles right now are on my mountain bike which is just fine, imagine how good it will feel once I am on a real bike! The Furnance Creek 508 on Oct. 4th does not seem to scare me as bad this year as it did last year. I feel at peace right now just like I did going into the over 300 mile run from LV to Whitney. My endurance has come a long way with doing less...hard to belive I know but it is true!
This Monday we started 5:30 am to 7 am garage workouts!!! The first day Olympian Barb Lindquist and Colleen showed up and today we got another Chris Lundberg to show up!
Now..you can imagine Colleen and I training with Barb who can smoke us all and Chris who has run a 2:30 marathon and has also won the GTR marathon!!! So..needless to say, I put them through some of my secrets and they all went home and said..Holy..Sh-t that was hard, I am sore in places that I did not know I had:) This is going to be our M-W-F garage day..this should help with the 508 and then Ironman AZ...oh yes...I forgot to tell you in Nov. I will be doing IM AZ as well!!! Oh..and I forgot to mention that Chris road his bike to the garage leaving his house at 4:30 am!!! Now..that is someone I love to train with..!
Tuesday nights we have track practice in Jackson Hole from 6-7:30 pm and then Wed. nights we have trail runs at Grand Targhee from 6-8pm!
My life is full of activies as you can see, so not really any reason for me to NOT feel good. The weather here in the Tetons has been amazing all summer and there has not been 1 day that I have not been able to get up and get outside to be active.
Last summer while training for the 508 for some reason my energy was not there and the training became a drag and not fun..well this summer I look forward to it..feeling good really does make a difference, does it not? My back still hurts but I will have you know that I am getting it worked out and the pain is less and less with each passing day. Thank you God!
As much as I would love to put all of you here at our house, it is not possible! Annabella and Gabby would give you there beds in a split second but we have a house full already. I just found out today that my mother is going to come for a week, which is so wonderful..you will get to meet her at the race and Sister Marybeth will here as well. The Batchens are also hosting the Joe and is wife, the RD of the RR races!!! How fun.
SO>>>>long story: There are people looking to share rooms at Grand Targhee Resort. If you would like to share a room please comment on this blog. I can tell you this..having a room at the resort is a great idea for a few reasons. The main reason is this: they have an outdoor pool, hot tub and more! You walk right from your room to the starting line. If you are running any of the races this is such a treat to be able to do this. Running the 50 or the 100 you can even go back to your room to change clothes if you need to, take a shower and come back out! My suggestion to you is if you are running one of the races you get a room, share a room..what ever it takes to have a great race and be comfortable. http://www.tetonraces.com/
RIDES: As much and Jay and I would love to be able to pick all of you up at the airport this is not possible either. You can rent a car or you can take a shuttle. One Dreamchaser Mike Evans who is running the 100 mile race will be doing a few shuttles! The price is $75 one way from Jackson Hole Airport to Grand Targhee Resort. Mike can take 4 people per shuttle.
The times are:
Thursday: Aug. 28th: 9am, 1:30 pm and 5-6pm
Friday: Aug. 29th: 10am, 2pm, 6pm
Monday: Sept. 1st: very early shuttle and only 1 shuttle from the resort. Time to be determined.
If you would like a ride with Mike please email or call him.
DREAMCHASER RUNNING CAMPS!!! Well great news for us is that the camps are filling up!
The Tucson Camps are close to sold out...we still have 6 spots left for both Galapagos camps and I will be sending personal notes to some of you! The price for these camps is going to blow you away..meaning much, much less than you ever dreamed and this is a dream place to go for so many!!! If you have any desire to come to one of the camps please let me know soon.
CONNIE RIDING FOR BREAST CANCER: Many of you know a few month ago I lost a very good friend to breast cancer. I don't think there are many of you reading this that have not been touched in some way with this awful, awful cancer that is taking the lives of way to many women way to young. It really makes me sick.
Please take a moment to read about what Connie is doing and make a donation if you can.
From Connie: July 20, 2008 I FINALLY finished the Ironman in Lake Placid. Only took two years, a bike crash, a week+ in the hospital, many months to recover and start training all over again, but I finally, finally did it. 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride and a marathon (26.2 mile run). Woo hoo. Wasn’t exactly the fantastic race I was hoping for, but if it was easy they wouldn’t call it the Ironman.
The event that is near and dear to my heart, however, is the Tour de Pink ride for Breast Cancer. I will ride my bike 200 miles from Hershey Pennsylvania to New York City the weekend of October 5th. This ride is sponsored by Hershey who underwrites the whole thing (they pay for our hotel and meals) so the money I collect will go directly to eradicating Breast Cancer via the Young Survivor’s Coalition. I did this same ride back in 2006 and although it was challenging (a lot of hills out there in Pennsylvania) it was rewarding too. It was special to ride with friends and family of people who died too young from breast cancer along with so many survivors it made me want to come back the following year and raise even more money for them. Unfortunately I had a rather large bike crash last year so I was not recovered in time to ride that distance. But, THIS year is a different story. I’m healthy, strong and ready to rumble!!! In 2006 I wore the names of people who my contributors wanted to honor. If you have a name of someone who passed from breast cancer or survived or was recently diagnosed with breast cancer, please send me their names and I will add their name and your name to a pink ribbon I will wear pinned to my shirt. That way we will ALL ride the 200 miles together.
If you can, please be generous with your donation – this is a great organization. No amount is too small. It’s the thought that counts and your support that I will remember.
I’m grateful and blessed to be able to ride again. I’m grateful for being healthy enough to finish the Ironman and continue on to new adventures. Now I would like to help a fine organization do something to help women fight back against a deadly disease that shouldn’t be still taking lives.
Please join my in my cause by clicking on the following link and making a donation today. http://www.active.com/donate/Hersheystourdepink/CCarpen48
Let’s Ride!
The event that is near and dear to my heart, however, is the Tour de Pink ride for Breast Cancer. I will ride my bike 200 miles from Hershey Pennsylvania to New York City the weekend of October 5th. This ride is sponsored by Hershey who underwrites the whole thing (they pay for our hotel and meals) so the money I collect will go directly to eradicating Breast Cancer via the Young Survivor’s Coalition. I did this same ride back in 2006 and although it was challenging (a lot of hills out there in Pennsylvania) it was rewarding too. It was special to ride with friends and family of people who died too young from breast cancer along with so many survivors it made me want to come back the following year and raise even more money for them. Unfortunately I had a rather large bike crash last year so I was not recovered in time to ride that distance. But, THIS year is a different story. I’m healthy, strong and ready to rumble!!! In 2006 I wore the names of people who my contributors wanted to honor. If you have a name of someone who passed from breast cancer or survived or was recently diagnosed with breast cancer, please send me their names and I will add their name and your name to a pink ribbon I will wear pinned to my shirt. That way we will ALL ride the 200 miles together.
If you can, please be generous with your donation – this is a great organization. No amount is too small. It’s the thought that counts and your support that I will remember.
I’m grateful and blessed to be able to ride again. I’m grateful for being healthy enough to finish the Ironman and continue on to new adventures. Now I would like to help a fine organization do something to help women fight back against a deadly disease that shouldn’t be still taking lives.
Please join my in my cause by clicking on the following link and making a donation today. http://www.active.com/donate/Hersheystourdepink/CCarpen48
Let’s Ride!
Go Connie Go..and thanks for all you do for others!!!
LAST: I have to leave you with this video today..I am not going to tell you what it is about..just trust me and watch it, your going to LOVE, LOVE IT..I look forward to knowing what you think.
Have an amazing day
good to know about Mikes rides. i will give her a buzz.
see you soon
Hi there Lisa
11 year old take first our of the water, do you coach her? I am over 50 and can't even get in a bathing suit just yet. Ha, Ha.
Love you
OG! The youtube video! My coworked watches it every day and CRIES every day watching, happy tears of course, hehehehe.
See you soon!
video of the lion… it was really good.
Check this one… I can see these video many times.. it´s just so funny…. Enjoy
Sergio B. Robles
Hey fellow ultra-runners!!
I need a RIDE back to Jackson Hole Airport Monday morning to catch 8:33am ((((sigh))) flight back to Sunny flat Florida :-)
Please email me if you are flying out around that time or can help give me a ride if it's on your way back home, I will pay for the gas :-)
email: bobgentile@bellsouth.net
See ya SOOOON !!
ohhhhh how I wish I could be in the garage with you all at 5:30 am - really!!!
Hi all!
No, I don't coach Allie..I coach her father and he is such an amazing example:)
Annemarie..it would be so great to have you here at 5:30 am..and you know what..I know you would be if you could!
Hope to see you soon!
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