Lisa is doing amazingly.
Lisa is an hour ahead of schedule.
How a person can smile after running 177 miles through bats and blisters is something my brain is having a hard time wrapping itself around, never mind having done all that and still having the Badwater Ultramarathon ahead of you.
But Leigh assures me that Lisa is just unstoppable. Also note that Leigh will have internet access tonight when she gets to Lone Pine, so all comments posted here will find their way to Lisa on the course.
More updates (and photos) as I get 'em. You can also check out the webcasts at the Official Badwater site, which also has some great snaps of Lisa and the gang.
Oh, and I forgot: I'm not sure when the Today Show stuff is airing, but the gal emailed me to say that it'll happen soon. So, use that as motivation, too: You should be getting oodles more for the kids coming up soon!
- Ted
Goooooooo Lisa! (and crew!) You are amazing. I can't believe you have 177miles under your belt already and are just about to start off on the Ultranarathon. Just coming up with the idea is incredible, let alone chugging along as consistently as you have. Keep up the amazing work - everyone is cheering you on!
Okay, so it appears that my first comment never arrived, which means that my second saying that I forgot probably sounded like the rantings of a mad-man. Like someone who's lost his mind . . . you'd expect that from someone who's into the hundreds of miles category, but you're probably doing better than that! The first message was just a RAH-RAH, GO-GET-'EM, I'M PROUD OF YOU kind of thing.
- Ted
Way to go! You look great! We had 54 journalists access your July 8 press release. There are lots of people watching and learning about your journey. Way to go!
You are back at Badwater in the arms of an old friend :)
Big hugs sent from Durham.
Kira and Greg
Holy Cow!
You're amazing Lisa!
I've been sending you positive thoughts for a couple of days and I'll send them for a couple more!!
You're doing so great!!!!
Oh yeah, I found $1.46 in change and it's coming your way!
I was just told by a Tony Portera who is crewing for Jackie that the course is going to change because of floods/storms near Mt Whitney....
The runners will go to mile marker 102 and then turn around and head back to Panamint Springs for the finish and still totaling 135 miles.
Friggin Mother Nature strikes again, first Western States being canceled now this change with BW .... (sigh)))
So NO big climb at the End to Mt. Whitney (bummer) and now about 12 miles of downward trek into PS for the finish should make for some faster times...I imagine the previous course records will still stand because of this unfortunate change.
Anyways go to Badwaters site for updates... this change should be posted soon
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