The course shall remain the same, so sayeth Badwater Race Director Chris Kostman at exactly 10:36 PM PST, or.. approximately 1:30 AM New York time, where I had just finished posting My Big Scoop on the re-routing of the Badwater race course, complete with graphic. Dang.
Well, it was officially announced that they were going to "almost change" the course, but didn't. So cheers all around, L810 goes to Whitney!
Here's a shot of Lisa snapped by the race director himself, not long after Lisa's 10:00 AM start.
(Lookin' sharp in her Moeben sleeves)
lovin' the sleeves...can't wait to see all the fashion bits as you complete yet another amazing feat!
Here's to strong feet & good crews
have one of them send out hugs to you!
Love reading the updates and your progress. Good thoughts and strong prayers coming your way. Teri
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