Just got a call from Scott. Well, it turns out the course is a little longer than we thought, but perhaps a just a bit more.
As you can see, Lisa's been running and trying to take care of her feet during the night.
Word on the street is that Sister Marybeth crews the way I nap -- with a natural-born talent for it. Here she is
The crew anticipates that they'll be hitting Stovepipe Wells around midnight or 1:00 AM, and I'm sure they'll have more updates at that time.
If you leave a comment on the blog, I'll print them all out and fax them to Stovepipe Wells. I can't tell you how much getting messages from family and friends does for the spirits.
So limber up your fingers folks, and let's swamp this blog until the entire internet's just one big smokin' mess.
Updates as I get 'em.
JULY 10TH, 8:00 AM (PDT)
Lisa got on the phone, and had another take on it. While she was feeling good and didn't want to stop for too long she did have humongous blisters on her ankles; heat rash had set in, which it tends to do when the temperature hits pavement-melting levels.
We didn't talk long as she was eager to keep moving. Terry and I determined that she's nearly at the 60 mile mark, and just a few clicks shy of the Nevada/California border.
The donations are flying in fast and furious. Since the crew arrived in Las Vegas, over $4,000 have been raised, just online and in person-- that doesn't include the checks being mailed in to the Religious Teachers Filippini while Sister Marybeth is away!
So, not including those checks, we're around $280,000.00 for the AIDS Orphans. Because it only takes 4 cents to feed a child a full meal (hard as that is to believe in America) that means Lisa's raised enough money so far to feed 7,000,000 children. Amazing.
But it also means so much more than that. It's money that can help AIDS Orphans Rising continue their wonderful programs, such as my personal favorite, the "Pizza - Gelato Initiative". To find out all the amazing programs they run-- programs that you personally are involved in helping-- check out our About AIDS Orphans Rising page, and the AIDS Orphans Rising site.
More updates as I get 'em...
Go mommy! We miss you and hope your blisters heal quickly! Love, your girls
Dear Lisa
Just to let you know that I will be thinking of you in your big challenges of the 810, running to BW from Vegas, then the BW to the top of Mt Whitney and then the BW 508. God bless much and give u much strength. I know you are now enroute, but sooner or later you will read the email.
Albert Martens in cool Manitoba, (almost cold).
We've been thinking of you constantly and checking the site regularly. Hope all is well.
Stay strong and maintain a positive attitude. Please know that we're thinking of you and are with you in spirit every step of the way. Thanks for being an inspiration, my coach and a great friend. All the best.
Tom Triumph
Greg and I keep checking the blog like addicts to see hwo things are going. Glad to see you are still going strong!! You're going to get a truckload of Little Deb's shipped out to Driggs when this is done!!!
Kira and Greg
what's up boss? glad to here that your doing well.wish i were there. as tom said, i am as well with you every step of the way.see you in stovepipe.margheritas on me!!!
Sounds like the warmup is going well! Your engine oughtta be all tuned up and ready to rock when the gun goes off Monday! Anything can happen, right? Keep rockin' but try to go easy on all those folks who decide to drive in an air conditioned car to the BW start :)
You are just trucking along! best of luck on the last stretch. See you tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are such a rock star!
Good luck as you continue your race to the Badwater start line! What an amazing feat. You are AWESOME!!!
Go Lisa go!!!! We are all cheering you on.......when you're out there running with all this time to think remember the completely ridiculous things we used to do in highschool and how much more fun to be grown up with your own beautiful children to run home too. Love you kiddo, I'll be watching you!!!!! Gayle
Goooooooo Lisa! You are an inspiration for so many of us -- Keep it up!!! As Jeff would say: "Pain is temporary, but Pride is eternal" :)
Great running, my friend! You are a true inspiration.
Andy Jones-Wilkins
Hi Lisa,
We don't know each other but I'm following your journey as if we do. This challenge is not only an incredible physical one, but a wonderful act of generosity as well. Best wishes during your journey!
Lisa, You're doing awesome! I keep checking the updates and thinking about what an amazing thing you're doing. Thanks for being such a positive inspiration in my life. Keep it up girl. My three hour run this morning was nothing compared to yours, but my love for being out there comes from you!
I'm going out to have some ice cream now in your honor.
Michele Jensen
Simply a fact: You are a true inspiration and a woman that I can really look up to and admire. I look at your accomplishments and achievements and am truly just in awe. You can do this. You DO have it in you. No question about it. Just push on, my friend. Grasp this experience fully, own it, and enjoy it. Peace and calmness to you.
Lisa, it's miles that melt under your feet, not pavement! Great going! I am off to pace night section at HR and will be thinking of you been hot while I freeze my butt at 14k:)
you are amazing!
sending healing thoughts ot those feet of yours!
;-) Andrea Lynn
"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who couldn't hear the music" --Nietzsche
I know you hear the music....continue dancing across the desert :)
xoxoxo Kira
"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who couldn't hear the music" --Nietzsche
I know you hear the music....continue dancing across the desert :)
xoxoxo Kira
You are such an inspiration Lisa. It's amazing what the human body can do when you engage the mind.
A great swami said: "To succeed, you must have tremendous perseverance, tremendous will. 'I will drink the ocean,' says the persevering soul, 'at my will mountains will crumble up.' Have that sort of energy, that sort of will, work hard, and you will reach your goal."
Keep on truckin'
Hey Lisa and gang -
We can't wait to see you out there. I hope your feet are hanging in there until I can inspect them.
Good luck - God Bless you all
As we say in Idaho: Git 'r dun
You are doing so awesome and I can't wait to hear more...what an epic adventure. Enjoy the desert and the mountains - both are YOUR home!
"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
WAY TO LIVE, LISA!!!!!!!!!!
Cheering for you, your crew & pacers from FL .
Lisa, you are doing so well! i am so happy to be here with you. I love and appreciate you and what you are doing. your love and kindness have been remarkable. this is truley a miracle coming to pass.. "alone we can do so little, together we can do so much!
Go Mommy! Happy racing tomorrow. Stay strong and don't stop to pick up too many coins! : )
Good luck.
Love, Bell and Gabby
Go Lisa Go! OMG you are one amazing woman - I am in awe of you and your plight that continually pushes you to do more. You are one determined child of God....and He continually blesses you and is watching over you every step of the way. Be safe and good luck on the remainder of your journey. We love you Lisa.....Wanda & Christy :-)
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