I'll be subbing for Lisa while she's on the road from Las Vegas to Mt. Whitney, keeping everyone updated on her latest whereabouts.
As you can see, Sister Marybeth has arrived, and here she and Lisa are with the 810 Quilt. The quilt will be making the trip along with Lisa -- through the desert, up Mt. Whitney -- after which it will be auctioned on the Lisa's 810 Ebay site. Stay tuned.
As I write, Lisa and Sister Marybeth are giving a public lecture about "Running With A Purpose" at the St. Joseph Husband of Mary Catholic Church Parish Hall in Las Vegas -- in fact, the very spot that Lisa will set out from at 9:00 AM tomorrow morning.
And with her at the start of the 810 will be a crew from the Today Show and the local NBC affiliate in Las Vegas, KVBC. We don't know if they will be airing the piece live or at a later time, but we will let everyone know as soon as we receive word. For those of us outside of the Las Vegas area, we can watch the KVBC live at their website, http://www.kvbc.com.
So far there has not been any indication that Leigh has lost her kids' inheritance at the blackjack table, nor news of George having married a dancer from Cirque de Soleil. Hopefully they will make it until 9:00 AM tomorrow and leave Las Vegas as free of sin as when they arrived. Ahem.
And don't forget to check out www.lisas810.com to fly over the course Lisa's running and to get the latest news and, of course, to donate to help the cause. We're already at $240,000.00 -- help us reach the goal of $500,000.00!
Best wishes Lisa, Sister Marybeth & Crew!! Lisa - know that we'll be watching, cheering, and supporting you every step you take! You're perserverence and dedication is making so many dreams come true. :-)
Yay! Go Lisa! You and Sister Mary Beth look very comfy under that quilt :) I will be watching and cheering you every step of the way on your amazing journey. Have a great time!
Lisa and team
All of Boston is praying for your amazing feat. Be safe and God Bless
Paul and Nancy
Yeah! Cheering for you Lisa, Sister Marybeth & the support Crew from FL!!
Be Safe & God Bless,
I think you rock! You are a star.
xoxoxo Kira
Also--big hugs out to everyone on your awesome crew...especially Leigh, Georgie, Terry and Laurie!!
Kira ;)
Hey Lisa---can't wait for you to get these e-mails when you get to Stovepipe! Keep going girl! Very proud of you and thinking of you guys all the time! Bragging to everyone I know about you!
Kira :)
Lisa, Thoughts and prayers are with you and that incrediable crew of yours...A big hello to Sister MB. Will be cking in daily...Go for it......go get that dream..
Love ya tons...
Aunt Diane xoxoxox hehehehe
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