Another great video clip to watch…Peggy Gaudet shares about her MDS adventure. It is so wonderful how Peggy is inspiring members of her community and the students around her. Maybe one day her students will be running MDS with my daughters!
Article /Transcript
Video Clip (there will be a 10 second commercial before the news segment appears)
The ESPN interview with me was cut short! They had 3 more questions to ask me but the first man on took up my time. Oh well:) The phone is ringing off the wall with people wanting to run the MDS, which is wonderful because I think you all know by now what an amazing race it is.
Hey...tell me what your favorite race is and why???
I am off for a long run this morning. 2 weeks before the Keys 100 mile. I feel good and will end up with about 12 hours on my feet this week. Not even close to what I wanted but you do what you can right!
Many Blessing for a wonderful weekend
WooHoo!!! What a STAR!!! you are a class act!
So touching to see how you've inspired so many people, ESPECIALLY your young students!!
Way to go, girl!!
I can't wait to go next year!
Favorite race? One with a good after-party!!! In fact, I have been meaning to share with you this groundbreaking news about walking and beer: A recent study found the average American walks about 900 miles per year. Another study found Americans drink, on average, 22 gallons of beer a year. That means, on average, Americans get about 41 miles to the gallon. Not bad!!!
Peggy!!!! That was so wonderful... You look so beautiful and classy and not at all talking about farts at all. That was a great piece-- it really is so perfect. The little kids you inspire are so lucky to have Ms. Gaudet.
I have a feeling that the "I'm going to start biking and walking" girl is going to be the next Lisa Smith Batchen....
I had a good laugh after the video clip with your students comments! Great job!
Steve Wolk
What a great clip, Peggy. I loved your students' comments. How wonderful that your station did the profile. You were definitely an inspiration to me during my first MdS.
My favorite race? Well, MdS now. No other event that have done has refined my outlook on life in the same way. Or tested me so much physically or mentally. I've done many marathons - NY is my favorite for the superb organization, the NYRRC, and the hometown crowds - but to train and finish MdS is by far the most meaningful. To think that I will never lose my connection with the wonderful people I lived with for a week is humbling and such a source of satisfaction all at the same time.
My favourite race to date has to be the Libyan Challenge. Race Director Jean Marc has a big heart, and the race volunteers are the most caring souls who could not do enough for you at checkpoints (foot doctors, soft drinks, in addition to water and massage (no, I'm not joking!)). The Akakus region in southwest Libya is stunning,the terrain so varied it leaves you in awe, the Touaregs who live in the area are very proud of their land and they are beautiful people, very regal in their brightly coloured indigo blue robes and other amazing colours too like green and deep old rose, against their dark skin.
After MDS next year, my order of preference may change... we'll see...
My favorite race doesn't exist yet, but when somebody puts on a "Ghost Town to Ghost Town" race between Bonnie Claire and Gold Point, NV, it will be my favorite race. Currently, I'd name two races as favorites -- the Labor of Love 50K, which was held just last week, and the E.T. Full Moon Midnight Marathon. Both are Nevada events -- guess I'm just partial to this part of the world!
Very nice.
Lisa I bet you are running well.
Can't wait to see you.
Peggy I always thought you were a class act-the video proved it.georgie
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