On last weekend's Rocky Raccoon Race in Huntsville, TX
What advice helped you to achieve your goal?
Everything Lisa has told me, along with other things that I've read about doing ultras.
Did you meet any new friends along the course?
I hope so. I saw this guy who looked like he was hurting , and he asked me if i had any salt tablets, so I gave him some endurolytes , so i hope it helped him out. Hopefully karma is on my side at the next race, and I'll do better.
Everything Lisa has told me, along with other things that I've read about doing ultras.
Did you meet any new friends along the course?
I hope so. I saw this guy who looked like he was hurting , and he asked me if i had any salt tablets, so I gave him some endurolytes , so i hope it helped him out. Hopefully karma is on my side at the next race, and I'll do better.
Is there something you learned that you'll use in future races(good, bad, or ugly)?
Yes. Make sure I take my flash light out of my jacket pocket before I put it in my drop bag 10 miles out , so the two that I had aren't in the same place. I was in a hurry to keep going it didn't register to take it out. Even though my pacer(janice) did a awesome job, if going for a fast time, I think a pacer for the last 40 miles(instead of the last 20) would of helped alot.
Any words of advice for others thinking about an ultra?
Train harder than the next guy (or girl), because it doesn't hurt to go the extra-mile every now and then. Cross-training really helps, because you don't want your body to get burned out from doing the same thing all the time. Plus it makes training more interesting and fun. Try and have fun with it, this isn't an easy thing to do so you've got to make the best of it somehow. You've got to get mentally prepared for running long distances and staying up for hours on end, there's more to it than just putting your hours of training in every week. Eat right, live a good life, and it all falls together, you'll get a cool buckle in the end!
Good Job MIKE!!!
Well done!
Nice picture...
:) Dusty
Hey Mike! It was great seeing you again. You looked awesome out there. I always keep a very small hand held in my pocket just in case!!!!!!!!!
See you at the Tetons!!!
Hey Mike! We didn't get to have Cervezas on Sunday! :( So, when I come out to GTR, we'll have to drink a few extra as a carb loading session the night before the race. Congrats on a great finish!
Mike, you're such a slug. Couldn't even beat 16 hours on the Texas flats. Hey, it's time to cut back on the beer, eat your vegetables, and wipe that sh**-eating grin off your face. This is serious stuff, Man. We'll expect more--a lot more--from you next time, or you'll be walking back to Idaho. Dig?
Bob Becker
Hi Mike..you did an amazing job having to train in the snow and cold!
A 100 mile PR, you could not ask for more than that:)
Hope to see you soon
So glad we actually got to run and chat instead of you listening to me b*&ch as my BW pacer ;) Next race we will sing showtunes again like the march up Townes Pass.
"I WANNA ROCK!!!" Kira :)
The photo doesn't do you justice! : )
Such fun sharing another race with you.
you are a rock star! great race. so fun to see you again.
come back and visit the Tetons!
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