On last weekend's Rocky Raccoon Race in Huntsville, TX
What surprised you most about the race?
How different it is to run 100 miles without a pacer. I'm not as disciplined as I'd hoped I would be!
What advice helped you achieve your goal?
I didn't achieve my most aggressive goal (under 22 hours), but did finish under 24. Lisa's advice to keep moving, and to "go slow to go fast", rang true once again.
Did you meet any new friends on the course?
Yes, both Dreamchasers people and people involved with the race. Joe Prusaitis, the Race Director, was very accommodating. He allowed my wife, Suzanne, and me to stuff each runner's race bag with a card promoting the "Keys Ultras", our new race in the Florida Keys in May. My only regret was not being able to spend more time with all of "Lisa's Kids" in Huntsville. I'm just hoping to make up for that the next time.
Is there something you learned that you'll use in future races (good, bad, or ugly!)
I'll prepare my race strategy more carefully to better align with the actual course and weather conditions. Since I have no place to train at night on trails, I am pretty tentative at night, I'll run faster during daylight hours to account for the slower night-time pace.
Any words of advice for others thinking about doing an ultra?
Yes. Rule #1: Train under the tutelage of Lisa Smith-Batchen. Rule #2: If that's not possible, beg. Sell your house. Whatever. Train with Lisa!
How different it is to run 100 miles without a pacer. I'm not as disciplined as I'd hoped I would be!
What advice helped you achieve your goal?
I didn't achieve my most aggressive goal (under 22 hours), but did finish under 24. Lisa's advice to keep moving, and to "go slow to go fast", rang true once again.
Did you meet any new friends on the course?
Yes, both Dreamchasers people and people involved with the race. Joe Prusaitis, the Race Director, was very accommodating. He allowed my wife, Suzanne, and me to stuff each runner's race bag with a card promoting the "Keys Ultras", our new race in the Florida Keys in May. My only regret was not being able to spend more time with all of "Lisa's Kids" in Huntsville. I'm just hoping to make up for that the next time.
Is there something you learned that you'll use in future races (good, bad, or ugly!)
I'll prepare my race strategy more carefully to better align with the actual course and weather conditions. Since I have no place to train at night on trails, I am pretty tentative at night, I'll run faster during daylight hours to account for the slower night-time pace.
Any words of advice for others thinking about doing an ultra?
Yes. Rule #1: Train under the tutelage of Lisa Smith-Batchen. Rule #2: If that's not possible, beg. Sell your house. Whatever. Train with Lisa!
Bob...you are so amazing..I wish I could have run the last 20 with you but..
How great to see your beautiful bride out on the course giving her support.
if I can get a crew together and bring my kids we will see you in May!
Good running my friend
Hey Buddy! I missed getting the chance to chat with you. I mentioned to my BF Greg that you were the one who saved my race out at Badwater with the magic soup at Panamint Springs ;) Florida in May sounds enticing.....
As always, it's always great to see you. You were a machine out there at Rocky. I think it's very admirable and inspiring what you're doing down at the Keys for prostate cancer fundraising. I wish you all the best with the race. Take care!
Bob- i saw you at almost every out and back and you look strong and determined for the entire race. Way to go on a great sub-24 finish!
Bob, Maybe Keys 100 next year????
bob good to see you out there-I want to be like you when I grew up
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