Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Some Said It Couldn't Be Done…They Proved Otherwise!

I must admit that as a coach, I never like to endorse a race plan that involves two people intending to run a 100 mile race together – step for step. Jay and I did Badwater together one year and it remains one of the hardest races I have ever done. Murphy’s law works out that when your feeling good, your partner is feeling crummy and when they pick up, you have a foot cramp, a stomach ache, or an overwhelming desire to take a fiver!

The stakes get higher when those two people are making this plan for Western States – one of the hardest, most difficult 100 milers around. But George Velasco and Leigh Corbin decided this was the way they were going to do it in 2007. And they gave us a run for the money…right down to a nail-biting finish of 29:43:38 (the cut-off time is 30 hours). You guys did awesome and finished with heart! I can’t wait to hear more about the details of your race later this month (Leigh and George are both crewing me at Badwater). Way to go, Leigh and Georgie!

Love, The Batchens


Olga said...

Murhy's law works for sure - I had 2 100M runs where I teamed up. While it brought us to the finish and worked great for 2/3 of it great, last 3rd, when lots of things are mental and the tolerance runs low, it takes a lot to stay positive for a friend and not only for yourself. I was blessed both my friends were very good friends, and we survived unscanted. Georgie and Leigh did an awesome job! I'd like to hear insider's stroy as well.

leigh said...

who could not run 100 miles with this guy! you want noise, he'll give you noise. you want quiet, he'll give you that too. some "air guitar" yep, he plays a mean one! and to top it off, Miss Jackie Florine as pacer. what a dream of a race! for the inside story, go to my blog. my report will be up soon. what a way to run 100 miles!!! Leigh

Bob - BlogMYruns.com said...

YES that was awesome!! and YIKES On those FEET !! You guys Rock and can't wait to see at the Teton's