Hi friends..it is always so good to support your friends when they have something great to offer. Our friend Todd from Texas has come out with his own Jerky! Come on..give it a try:)\
Todd is in the process of working on Turkey Jerky as well..we hope, due to popular demand!
Go Todd..we are so proud of you!
Texas Todd's Beef Jerky is a mouth-watering healthy snack for all ages.
Our moist and tender homemade jerky is nothing like store-bought jerky.
After we marinate 100% USDA inspected choice beef with simple all-natural ingredients and dry it, a serving boasts 16 grams of protein with low carbs and fat.
No preservatives or additives. It's the perfect hiking, skiing and outdoor snack that only requires a pocket to put it in! Comes in two flavors, Teriyaki or Spicy Pepper.
Try a Texas 2'fer to get one of each flavor and a $1.00 off! Go to www.texastoddsjerky.com and tell us you heard about us from Dreamchasers!
Come on yall...give it a try:)
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Running with your child and stroller:)
You're not the only one who will have to get used to this setup. Your child will also have some things to get used to. The following are some tips from Jennifer and Michael Wardian that they use when taking their boys, Pierce and Grant, on long runs.
1) Bring along snacks. Things like crackers, gummies or bananas, things that are easy to give them and you aren't worried about them choking on.
2) Bring water. Three sippy cups work well (for a double stroller, just two for a single), one for each kid and an extra, in case someone runs out.
3) Bring toys. A couple toys for each kid works well, plus a couple extras so that, in case they want what the other has, you can regulate.
4) Have a specific goal and relay that to the kids so that they know. You can tell them that you're doing an out-and-back or a loop, or describe the turn-around point to look for. Have some idea of where you are in the run so you can tell them how much longer (because they will ask).
5) If they want to stop along the way, tell them we can do that on the way back and then work it into the run. It is nice to stop and let them play, too. While they play, you can do jumping jacks or push-ups or just play with them; it's a great way to work on general strength and balancing muscles.
Happy running!
You're not the only one who will have to get used to this setup. Your child will also have some things to get used to. The following are some tips from Jennifer and Michael Wardian that they use when taking their boys, Pierce and Grant, on long runs.
1) Bring along snacks. Things like crackers, gummies or bananas, things that are easy to give them and you aren't worried about them choking on.
2) Bring water. Three sippy cups work well (for a double stroller, just two for a single), one for each kid and an extra, in case someone runs out.
3) Bring toys. A couple toys for each kid works well, plus a couple extras so that, in case they want what the other has, you can regulate.
4) Have a specific goal and relay that to the kids so that they know. You can tell them that you're doing an out-and-back or a loop, or describe the turn-around point to look for. Have some idea of where you are in the run so you can tell them how much longer (because they will ask).
5) If they want to stop along the way, tell them we can do that on the way back and then work it into the run. It is nice to stop and let them play, too. While they play, you can do jumping jacks or push-ups or just play with them; it's a great way to work on general strength and balancing muscles.
Happy running!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Podcast tonight! Tues. Sept. 22nd 7pm MST!!
Hi friends!!! I hope you join in!!! Happy Feet!
You have been invited by Tomatrunnerslounge to join a live Community Call.
Tomatrunnerslounge's Community Call (Join in) Host: Tomatrunnerslounge - tom@runnerslounge.com Episode: EPISODE25 - Lessons With Lisa Call ID: 33894
Personal Message from the Host:
Thank you everyone for your great response. We're looking forward to hearing from you on the call.
Amy and TomScheduled Time: Date: Tue, September 22, 2009 Time: 09:00 PM EDT
How to participate: Call in:
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You have been invited by Tomatrunnerslounge to join a live Community Call.
Tomatrunnerslounge's Community Call (Join in) Host: Tomatrunnerslounge - tom@runnerslounge.com Episode: EPISODE25 - Lessons With Lisa Call ID: 33894
Personal Message from the Host:
Thank you everyone for your great response. We're looking forward to hearing from you on the call.
Amy and TomScheduled Time: Date: Tue, September 22, 2009 Time: 09:00 PM EDT
How to participate: Call in:
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Friday, September 18, 2009
Running your First Ultramarathon!
Hi friends...very good article by Bryo Powell!!! Read and pass it on!
Happy feet
It's Time to Run Your First Ultramarathon
Bryon Powell
Runner-in-ChiefiRunFar.com - your source for mud, mountains, miles, and more.
Happy feet
It's Time to Run Your First Ultramarathon
Bryon Powell
Runner-in-ChiefiRunFar.com - your source for mud, mountains, miles, and more.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Running for Aids Orphans...Jenny and Lane Vogel
Hello Everyone,
As you all know, I had a LOT of time (27 hours to be exact) to think about Sister Mary Beth's "Running for a purpose" speech this past weekend while I ran (walked mostly) the 100 miler at the Grand Tetons.
Lane and I are reaching out to all runners/ athletes we know with Blogs/twitter/ facebook ect. 9/14-9/20 we are donating 10% of all sales from www.Thetextilemill.com to Sister Mary Beth and Aids Orphans Rising. www.Thetextilemill.com is Lanes online fabric store. We sell fabric for home decorating use such as reupholstering chairs and couches as well as creating window treatments and bedding. We ship worldwide. We would love for you to help spread the word and hopefully we can raise some money for Aids Orphans Rising. If you would like to, you can cut and paste the following or add what ever you would like. Thanks you so much,
The Textile Mill strives to bring world class fabrics directly to your home at below wholesale pricing. The Textile Mill was started by fabric industry veterans with a passion for interior design and the love of complete design perfection. To all of us at The Textile Mill, beautiful fabrics are the primary design element for self expression. The journey for ones self into the spectacular world of decorative fabric can only truly be found at The Textile Mill. We begin by scouring the worlds fabric mills to find only the most exquisite pieces, the pieces that make the room. Our mission is not unlike our many customers, we want only the most luxurious, high quality fabrics the world has to offer. Our desire is to bring them to you. The days of paying full retail are behind us now, come into our world of designer fabrics and loose those preconceived thoughts of high-end fabrics having high-end prices. Let The Textile Mill's designer fabric experience shine in your home. Just imagine now having luxury designer fabric house pieces at under wholesale prices. www.thetextilemill.com
As you all know, I had a LOT of time (27 hours to be exact) to think about Sister Mary Beth's "Running for a purpose" speech this past weekend while I ran (walked mostly) the 100 miler at the Grand Tetons.
Lane and I are reaching out to all runners/ athletes we know with Blogs/twitter/ facebook ect. 9/14-9/20 we are donating 10% of all sales from www.Thetextilemill.com to Sister Mary Beth and Aids Orphans Rising. www.Thetextilemill.com is Lanes online fabric store. We sell fabric for home decorating use such as reupholstering chairs and couches as well as creating window treatments and bedding. We ship worldwide. We would love for you to help spread the word and hopefully we can raise some money for Aids Orphans Rising. If you would like to, you can cut and paste the following or add what ever you would like. Thanks you so much,
The Textile Mill strives to bring world class fabrics directly to your home at below wholesale pricing. The Textile Mill was started by fabric industry veterans with a passion for interior design and the love of complete design perfection. To all of us at The Textile Mill, beautiful fabrics are the primary design element for self expression. The journey for ones self into the spectacular world of decorative fabric can only truly be found at The Textile Mill. We begin by scouring the worlds fabric mills to find only the most exquisite pieces, the pieces that make the room. Our mission is not unlike our many customers, we want only the most luxurious, high quality fabrics the world has to offer. Our desire is to bring them to you. The days of paying full retail are behind us now, come into our world of designer fabrics and loose those preconceived thoughts of high-end fabrics having high-end prices. Let The Textile Mill's designer fabric experience shine in your home. Just imagine now having luxury designer fabric house pieces at under wholesale prices. www.thetextilemill.com
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Monday Podcast..How to Run 100 miles!
This Mondays Podcast! How to run 100 miles!! After the podcast stay tuned for a blog post on the tips we have spoken about.
1:15 MST/2:15 CST.
Call in information:
Phone Number: (724) 444-7444Call ID: 61297
Tom Green will be hosting the podcast and he will tee up the topic of "how to run 100 miles" - both literally and figuratively.
1:15 MST/2:15 CST.
Call in information:
Phone Number: (724) 444-7444Call ID: 61297
Tom Green will be hosting the podcast and he will tee up the topic of "how to run 100 miles" - both literally and figuratively.
Friday, September 11, 2009
First appeared in the Teton Valley News...
The Fifth Annual Grand Teton Races
By Colleen Woods
This past weekend, Dreamchasers Outdoor Adventure Club hosted the Fifth Annual Grand Teton Races at the Grand Targhee Resort in Alta, Wyoming. Race Directors Jay and Lisa Batchen welcomed over 150 runners from around the world, including runners from 26 of the US states, Canada, and Germany. Each of the racers competed in one of the following distances: 10 kilometers (6.2 miles), the Trail Marathon (26.2 miles), 50 miles, or 100 miles. There was also a special Kids Race that brought out thirty five kids (ages 3-12) who ran a half mile course on Sunday morning.
Two intrepid runners (Dusty Hardman of Victor, ID and Anthony Portera of White Plains, NY) each ran a cumulative distance of 76.2 miles, which they achieved by running the 50 mile race on Saturday and the Trail Marathon on Sunday.
“We love having runners from all over the world,” commented Lisa. “It is also a joy to see so many local friends participate. So many of my students from Core Class came out and competed in the various race distances. They just shined and I was so proud of each and every one of them.”
“We were blessed with another beautiful weekend here in the Tetons,” added Jay. As race directors, we need to be prepared for a variety of circumstances and it is a huge relief and great reward when it all comes together.” Jay recalled the first year of the races when snow fell. This year, the greatest challenge posed to the runners and staff was the heat, which at its height climbed towards 90 degrees on Saturday.
Fortunately, many of the runners had attended a pre-race briefing session, which informed them about the course and included a presentation by Dr. Naomi Albertson, of the Women's Health Center in Jackson. “Lisa and I have always been committed to hosting a family race. And when we can have a Medical Director at our race who is the same doctor whom we trust to treat our family, we feel like it is just another way of extending our running family,” Jay said.
“The volunteers are phenomenal,” said Lisa. “Each year, more people come out and spend Labor Day weekend helping us host a world-class event. Their generosity seems to know no bounds. They stay up with us through the night and they make each runner feel unique and appreciated as he or she takes on a very challenging athletic feat. I can’t say enough about how much we appreciate all of the volunteer’s contributions.”
A portion of the race entry fees benefit Teton Basin Ice & Recreation and Teton Valley Trails & Pathways. The presenting sponsor of the race weekend – Vasque Project – generously matches all of the race donations to these two non-profit organizations.
To run any of the Grand Teton race distances requires a combination of committed training and courage. Read on to learn what three local Teton Valley residents did to earn their finisher’s medals at this weekend’s races.
What it takes to run the Grand Teton Races

TREVOR GARNER (Victor, Idaho)
Race Distance: 100 Miles
Garner, a personal banker at the Driggs branch of Wells Fargo, is no stranger to the Grand Teton 100 Mile Race. In 2008, he completed 82 miles of this race and last weekend he returned with a motive he summarized in one word: “Redemption”.
Trevor’s goal for this year’s race was to complete 100 miles and earn the coveted belt buckle that is presented to all who complete this distance. He accomplished his mission by covering 100 miles in 25 hours and 14 minutes. This exceptional athletic performance earned Trevor a buckle, as well as the second place male finisher award.
Garner finds many people who share his running passion in Teton Valley. He is quick to note that if it weren’t for the support and camaraderie of all the local runners in this Valley, he would not do so many running races, if any at all. “Their encouragement has changed my life,” he said.
This year, the Grand Teton Races was a family affair for Trevor. Both his parents competed in the Grand Teton Trail Marathon. After completing his 100 mile race, Trevor stayed on at the race’s main aid station and cheered on his parents as they raced through the station, eager to earn their own medals.
Garner wanted to thank Lisa and Jay Batchen for putting on a great event every summer. He said he feels a personal connection to the race because of the friendship he shares with the Batchen’s and many of the course volunteers!

HEATHER WILCOX (Driggs, Idaho)
Race Distance: 50 Miles
Wilcox’s running has come a long way in a short while. She began training for running events earlier this year, and she has already completed 100 kilometers (62 miles) at a race called the Florida Keys 100 back in April. This experience laid a foundation from which Heather continues to build her endurance running dreams.
While the belt buckle awarded to 100 mile finishers eluded Wilcox at the Florida race (primarily due to the extremely painful foot blisters), Heather used the experience to thoughtfully anticipate and prepare for the challenges of the Grand Teton Races.
Her work paid off when she handily finished last weekend’s Grand Teton 50 mile race in a time of 13 hours and 42 minutes. This finishing time earned Wilcox the first female finisher award in her age group (30-39 year olds).
Wilcox also acknowledges her good fortune to have trained on the race course and to have done some Teton trail favorites as part of her training, including the beautiful Table Mountain hike. Wilcox worked with Judy Baumgardner of High Peaks Physical Therapy and Lisa Smith-Batchen, of Dreamchasers Outdoor Adventure Club, to ensure that she had her best race possible.
Wilcox laughed when asked how long she had been training for the Grand Teton 50 Miler in particular. She explained that she had signed up for the Trail Marathon originally, and only ten days before the race changed her entry to the 50 mile distance.
Some of Wilcox’s initial hesitation came from the fact that the Grand Teton Races take place on trails, which presented a whole new beast for her, as she has primarily trained as a road runner. Trail running requires a lot of concentration as the ground shifts and the terrain changes. Wilcox explained, “With trail running, I have learned that every step is different from the one before”.
Wilcox’s athleticism seems to run in the family. As Heather was running the race on Saturday, her daughters Ashley and Cheyenne were competing at the Idaho State Fair in Blackfoot and each one top awards in their respective equestrian events.

MISSY COLYER (Driggs, Idaho)
Race Distance: 10 Kilometers (6.2 miles)
Colyer’s Grand Teton Races 10k finish this past weekend marked her longest official race distance and she cherished the challenge, having friends (including her business partner, Kelly Chircop, with whom she runs Horseshoe Accounting in Driggs, Idaho) and family (including her husband, Ryan Colyer) at the race to cheer her on to the finish line.
Missy began running in earnest three years ago, inspired by her Mom, Louanne Barnes of Washington. At the time, Louanne was training to run a one mile race, despite dealing with the challenges of a breast cancer diagnosis and subsequent chemotherapy treatments. Louanne completed the one mile race and went on to complete the Race for the Cure 5 kilometer race in Seattle with Missy. Missy recalls watching her Mom enter a special finish line area at the race set aside for breast cancer survivors and watching with pride as the Governor placed a finisher’s medal around her Mom’s neck. Missy is happy to share that her Mom is in great health these days and supports Missy in her running pursuits.
Missy’s training efforts paid off when she finished the race on Saturday with a time of 1 hour and 19 minutes. The course held some surprises for Missy, including a big climb at the very end of the race, a course addition that Jay Batchen threw in with a certain amount of relish.
“Each of the distances at the Grand Teton Races has its own demons,” said Jay. “For those running the 10k, we offered a hill that may have left more that one of the runners cursing me. But everyone did great and finished the race with smiles.”
By Colleen Woods
This past weekend, Dreamchasers Outdoor Adventure Club hosted the Fifth Annual Grand Teton Races at the Grand Targhee Resort in Alta, Wyoming. Race Directors Jay and Lisa Batchen welcomed over 150 runners from around the world, including runners from 26 of the US states, Canada, and Germany. Each of the racers competed in one of the following distances: 10 kilometers (6.2 miles), the Trail Marathon (26.2 miles), 50 miles, or 100 miles. There was also a special Kids Race that brought out thirty five kids (ages 3-12) who ran a half mile course on Sunday morning.
Two intrepid runners (Dusty Hardman of Victor, ID and Anthony Portera of White Plains, NY) each ran a cumulative distance of 76.2 miles, which they achieved by running the 50 mile race on Saturday and the Trail Marathon on Sunday.
“We love having runners from all over the world,” commented Lisa. “It is also a joy to see so many local friends participate. So many of my students from Core Class came out and competed in the various race distances. They just shined and I was so proud of each and every one of them.”
“We were blessed with another beautiful weekend here in the Tetons,” added Jay. As race directors, we need to be prepared for a variety of circumstances and it is a huge relief and great reward when it all comes together.” Jay recalled the first year of the races when snow fell. This year, the greatest challenge posed to the runners and staff was the heat, which at its height climbed towards 90 degrees on Saturday.
Fortunately, many of the runners had attended a pre-race briefing session, which informed them about the course and included a presentation by Dr. Naomi Albertson, of the Women's Health Center in Jackson. “Lisa and I have always been committed to hosting a family race. And when we can have a Medical Director at our race who is the same doctor whom we trust to treat our family, we feel like it is just another way of extending our running family,” Jay said.
“The volunteers are phenomenal,” said Lisa. “Each year, more people come out and spend Labor Day weekend helping us host a world-class event. Their generosity seems to know no bounds. They stay up with us through the night and they make each runner feel unique and appreciated as he or she takes on a very challenging athletic feat. I can’t say enough about how much we appreciate all of the volunteer’s contributions.”
A portion of the race entry fees benefit Teton Basin Ice & Recreation and Teton Valley Trails & Pathways. The presenting sponsor of the race weekend – Vasque Project – generously matches all of the race donations to these two non-profit organizations.
To run any of the Grand Teton race distances requires a combination of committed training and courage. Read on to learn what three local Teton Valley residents did to earn their finisher’s medals at this weekend’s races.
What it takes to run the Grand Teton Races

TREVOR GARNER (Victor, Idaho)
Race Distance: 100 Miles
Garner, a personal banker at the Driggs branch of Wells Fargo, is no stranger to the Grand Teton 100 Mile Race. In 2008, he completed 82 miles of this race and last weekend he returned with a motive he summarized in one word: “Redemption”.
Trevor’s goal for this year’s race was to complete 100 miles and earn the coveted belt buckle that is presented to all who complete this distance. He accomplished his mission by covering 100 miles in 25 hours and 14 minutes. This exceptional athletic performance earned Trevor a buckle, as well as the second place male finisher award.
Garner finds many people who share his running passion in Teton Valley. He is quick to note that if it weren’t for the support and camaraderie of all the local runners in this Valley, he would not do so many running races, if any at all. “Their encouragement has changed my life,” he said.
This year, the Grand Teton Races was a family affair for Trevor. Both his parents competed in the Grand Teton Trail Marathon. After completing his 100 mile race, Trevor stayed on at the race’s main aid station and cheered on his parents as they raced through the station, eager to earn their own medals.
Garner wanted to thank Lisa and Jay Batchen for putting on a great event every summer. He said he feels a personal connection to the race because of the friendship he shares with the Batchen’s and many of the course volunteers!

HEATHER WILCOX (Driggs, Idaho)
Race Distance: 50 Miles
Wilcox’s running has come a long way in a short while. She began training for running events earlier this year, and she has already completed 100 kilometers (62 miles) at a race called the Florida Keys 100 back in April. This experience laid a foundation from which Heather continues to build her endurance running dreams.
While the belt buckle awarded to 100 mile finishers eluded Wilcox at the Florida race (primarily due to the extremely painful foot blisters), Heather used the experience to thoughtfully anticipate and prepare for the challenges of the Grand Teton Races.
Her work paid off when she handily finished last weekend’s Grand Teton 50 mile race in a time of 13 hours and 42 minutes. This finishing time earned Wilcox the first female finisher award in her age group (30-39 year olds).
Wilcox also acknowledges her good fortune to have trained on the race course and to have done some Teton trail favorites as part of her training, including the beautiful Table Mountain hike. Wilcox worked with Judy Baumgardner of High Peaks Physical Therapy and Lisa Smith-Batchen, of Dreamchasers Outdoor Adventure Club, to ensure that she had her best race possible.
Wilcox laughed when asked how long she had been training for the Grand Teton 50 Miler in particular. She explained that she had signed up for the Trail Marathon originally, and only ten days before the race changed her entry to the 50 mile distance.
Some of Wilcox’s initial hesitation came from the fact that the Grand Teton Races take place on trails, which presented a whole new beast for her, as she has primarily trained as a road runner. Trail running requires a lot of concentration as the ground shifts and the terrain changes. Wilcox explained, “With trail running, I have learned that every step is different from the one before”.
Wilcox’s athleticism seems to run in the family. As Heather was running the race on Saturday, her daughters Ashley and Cheyenne were competing at the Idaho State Fair in Blackfoot and each one top awards in their respective equestrian events.

MISSY COLYER (Driggs, Idaho)
Race Distance: 10 Kilometers (6.2 miles)
Colyer’s Grand Teton Races 10k finish this past weekend marked her longest official race distance and she cherished the challenge, having friends (including her business partner, Kelly Chircop, with whom she runs Horseshoe Accounting in Driggs, Idaho) and family (including her husband, Ryan Colyer) at the race to cheer her on to the finish line.
Missy began running in earnest three years ago, inspired by her Mom, Louanne Barnes of Washington. At the time, Louanne was training to run a one mile race, despite dealing with the challenges of a breast cancer diagnosis and subsequent chemotherapy treatments. Louanne completed the one mile race and went on to complete the Race for the Cure 5 kilometer race in Seattle with Missy. Missy recalls watching her Mom enter a special finish line area at the race set aside for breast cancer survivors and watching with pride as the Governor placed a finisher’s medal around her Mom’s neck. Missy is happy to share that her Mom is in great health these days and supports Missy in her running pursuits.
Missy’s training efforts paid off when she finished the race on Saturday with a time of 1 hour and 19 minutes. The course held some surprises for Missy, including a big climb at the very end of the race, a course addition that Jay Batchen threw in with a certain amount of relish.
“Each of the distances at the Grand Teton Races has its own demons,” said Jay. “For those running the 10k, we offered a hill that may have left more that one of the runners cursing me. But everyone did great and finished the race with smiles.”
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Christopher McDougall: Born to Run Book..Tetons!!!!!

Christopher McDougall,
author of the best-selling book
Born to Run
Born to Run
Presentation and Book Signing
Date: Thursday September 10th
Location: Dreamchasers Outdoor Adventure Store
25 Main Street
Driggs, Idaho 83422
*6:00pm Free!*
Full of incredible characters, amazing athletic achievements, cutting-edge science, and, most of all, pure inspiration, Born to Run is an epic adventure that began with one simple question: "Why does my foot hurt?"
In search of an answer, Christopher McDougall sets off to find a tribe of the world’s greatest distance runners and learn their secrets, and in the process shows us that everything we thought we knew about running is wrong. Isolated by the most savage terrain in North America, the reclusive Tamarah's Indians of Mexico’s deadly Copper Canyons are custodians of a lost art. For centuries they have practiced techniques that allow them to run hundreds of miles without rest and chase down anything from a deer to an Olympic marathoner while enjoying every mile of it. Their superhuman talent is matched by uncanny health and serenity, leaving the Tamarah's immune to the diseases and strife that plague modern existence.
With the help of Caballo Bianco, a mysterious loner who lives among the tribe, the author was able not only to uncover the secrets of the Tamarah's but also to find his own inner ultra-athlete, as he trained for the challenge of a lifetime: a fifty-mile race through the heart of Tarahumara country pitting the tribe against an odd band of Americans, including a star ultramarathoner, a beautiful young surfer, and a barefoot wonder.
With a sharp wit and wild exuberance, McDougall takes us from the high-tech science labs at Harvard to the sun-baked valleys and freezing peaks across North America, where ever-growing numbers of ultrarunners are pushing their bodies to the limit, and, finally, to the climactic race in the Copper Canyons.
Born to Run is that rare book that will not only engage your mind but inspire your body when you realize that the secret to happiness is right at your feet, and that you, indeed all of us, were born to run.
For more information, contact Lisa at 208-787-2077
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