Monday, June 30, 2008
Grand Teton Running Camp and More!!!
The camp ended on Sunday but then myself and 6 others did a 6 hour workout up and down the Teton pass..6.2 miles one way with close to 2,500 feet gain each time up! It was 96 degrees and hot. Great soak in the "very cold" snake river and today I have fresh legs! The ice cold baths work for recovery. I personally feel great about my run that will start next Wed. July 9th in Las Vegas..
I have some extra weight on me for this run which I feel is a good thing:) When I did the 300 miles in 2006 I lost to much weight so going into this a bit heavy will help me move faster, at least I hope so. The team is so excited and me to! I hope you will follow along and when the going gets tough and it will I will draw on all of you and how inspirational you all are to me!
Here is the link to a fun web site/blog and an interview with me about the 810! Thanks for checking it out.
Guess what? Dreamchasers is bringing on board coach Matt Hart! Following soon will be more information about this but needless to say we are thrilled! Matt was a guest coach last week and it was wonderful to have his happy energy, amazing knowledge and experience.
We would like to thank Dusty for coming to camp and being such a great helper and inspiration. We look forward to more fun with you Dusty. are the 2 blogs for you to go and look at for some great photos and information on just how fun the camp was. You all were missed and we hope to see you at the next one!
Matt Harts blog
Dusty Hardman
Jim just completed his ride across America!!! A long time dream for Jim is not complete.
I spoke to Jim soon after he finished the ride and it brought me to tears. It will take some time for this to sink in for Jim but we want to know how proud we all are of him!!!
Check out his site, it is not to late to make a donation.
Have a beautiful week
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Note to Western States Runners
Colleen here. I am writing on behalf of Lisa and Jay, who are up at Targhee hosting this week’s Ultrarunning camp. Boy do I wish I was there!
At any rate, I know so many of you – runners, crew members, pacers, and family and friends who supported Western States dreams this year - are so disappointed about the cancellation of the event. The Race Organizers have made a very responsible decision and we hope that conditions improve in the area for everyone’s health and safety.
Lisa and Jay would like to offer a discount to those runners who are now deciding upon a new race to which you can apply your health, fitness and training.
From now until July 31 (or earlier, if we meet the maximum number), the Grand Teton Races will offer the following discounts to those who cannot participate in Western States this year:
$65 off to the first 30 to register for the Grand Teton Races 100 Mile Race
$15 off or the first 20 to register for the Grand Teton Races 50 Mile Race
Please send an e-mail to Jay will respond to you on or after Sunday, June 29th (when the Dreamchasers Running Camp has concluded).
Please be sure to include your name and the distance (GTR 50 or GTR 100) for which you would like to register in the subject of your e-mail.
Jay will respond and provide you with complete instructions for registering online with the appropriate discount code.
And two special shout-outs:
Meredith…we love you!!!!!!!!!!!!! And are thinking about you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Georgie: Happy Birthday, George Velasco! We love you, too!!!
Monday, June 23, 2008
My own training and other!!!
My new bike training is on my mountain bike with my 5 year old Annabella on her tag along right behind me and we now are able to hook the chariot up so I can also pull Gabby our 2 year old. I would love to thank all the people who sit around and design all the wonderful ways that us parents can come up with to bring our kids along on our training runs and rides! No excuse!!! Jay is happy because this means we can all go as a family. He can pull the girls while I ride or he can ride and I can pull the girls.
Annabella yelling go mommy go, catch up to that truck!!! Wow how thankful are we:)
It has been a good few weeks for so many friends and fellow Dreamchasers.We are still waiting for the results to come up on the Big Horn web site but I have spoken to or emailed with some!Ronda was 1st women...we don't know her time as of yet...But yeah...great race!
Mike Waridan running Western States this weekend....How will it go?Read his blog post!!!
Frank Fumich runs 50 mile in Ohio:) well done Frank!
**Congrats to Ted, Jeff, Ed and Thomas for there 47 mile rim to rim at the Grand Canyon! One hot hard run!!!
**Jeff Grant: you have to read one of his new favorite workouts and check out his blog!!!
**Last but not least...I am honored to say I have been asked to be part of the Team Smith/Pearlizumi!!! Thank you Aric and that you Smith, Pearlizumi, Body Glide and Nathan!!!Check it out…
We have a sold out training camp this week here in the Tetons!! I will be posting lots of fun photos and reports. Hope you can join us for the next one.Guests are Matt Hart and Laurie out!
Marie Boyd the race director of Bishop High races! Trains with her 2 year old babies!!!

Surgeres, France – 48 hour race……………

The whole town of Surgeres is involved in the success of this race! The business people had a big celebration downtown on Thursday evening to meet the athletes and welcome us to Surgeres. Afterwards, we went to the Hotel Gambetta for a pre-race meal that was just what people say about French food – out of this world! We departed that evening to begin our preparations for the race that was to begin the next day at 4:00 PM. (Rain or shine)
I began my day planning and preparing my crew about all the “things” they would need to do for me as I began this 48 hour journey. I must say and would say a thousand times over, I could not have made it without my crew. My husband, Ben, my sister, Cindy and her husband, Dan Clymore have been there for me the past two years. We went to the race site and readied my camper for the everything I would need for the next two days. (Each athlete has their own camper/table/chairs to use throughout the race.) I felt content that we had made all the preparations so we went to the luncheon and then participated in the “Parade of Athletes”. Each athlete is introduced and then your national anthem is played. I think at this moment I am so honored to be invited to this race but more importantly I am so honored to be representing the USA. Shortly, thereafter the race begins and off we go around and around the 300 meter track for two days. We switch directions every six hours and each time you pass the scoring table you wave to your lap counter so they can record your lap. I had the best lap counters – they cheered me on and were so encouraging especially during the downpours of the continuous rain.
The race was over and the feeling of just being able to run in this race and be a part of this festive weekend in Surgeres, France was more than words can describe. The support and help that you receive is just unbelievable! I love this race and really do enjoy the experience of running 48 hours! I reached my goal of 201.5 miles and look forward to the next race! I know that I want to go back because there is no other race experience like the 48-hour race of Surgeres. I want to add a thank you to my sponsors: INOV-8, POWER BAR and RIVERHEADS RURITANS.

Had to share this photo below of Mia with her Canada visor on!!! Go team Zahab!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
My 810 Miles to save the kids!!!!
302 or more miles on foot, 508 miles on a bike..or 2 bikes but not at once!!!
I one of the very blessed ones that wake up each day and know what I am to do with my life. I wake up and ask God what he has in store for me each day and move forward. Many days I can't accomplish all I would like to but like my friend Donna has told me and I now tell the end of the day it is enough. What you have done at the end of the day is enough!!!
For many years I have been raising money for Aids Orphans and God willing for many more years I will continue to do so. each day when I wake up my goal is to be a great wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, coach, mentor, motivator and humanitarian! This is good amount of things to try to be great at but I will keep trying! :) Being a great runner or athlete is not important to me any longer it is what I can do as an athlete, what I can do on this earth to leave my mark, my legacy for my children and those to come.
For all the children of the, yellow, black and white..I RUN FOR YOU!!!
How do you want to be remembered? How do you want to leave your mark?
I was not going to be running Badwater this year I was going to be running across America with my friend Louise. We ended up postponing this until 2010 and the run is turning into something more extraordinary that we had thought it would be. The reason for postponing came mostly from me. This is a run where you need nailed down sponsors, crew and a great deal of support. I wanted to do it the right way and not just do it. My family is the most important to me and my 2.5 year old would be to young to take this year and in 2010 she will love it. What an education for my kids and a chance of a lifetime!!!
So...I just could not seem to let this idea go of doing something this year when I got a phone call from my friend Sister Marybeth Lloyd that she was going to be able to crew for me at Badwater this year. Well..I was not going to BW and has 2 days to get my entry in and I did and I was excepted.
The end of March I was out for a run and I always say God talks to me and he does!
Lisa..not just BW do something more and really try to raise a great deal of money for the kids since Sister Marybeth will be on your crew this year...Do something different. That day I spoke to my good friend Ray Zahab and told him what I was thinking and he said no...
You should do a true point to point..Las Vegas to Mt. Whitney along with the Badwater race.
Wow...I loved this idea right from the start and got my Badwater crew to think about it and Sister Marybeth to pray about it..and she emailed me and said "YES LISA, WE ARE TO DO THIS!!!!"
The great news is I was excepted to the Furnace Creek 508 mile bike race in Oct.
Last year I had to pull out at 400 miles, this year I will see the finish line with doing many things different.
302 miles on foot, 508 miles on bike, 1 women, 2 legs to save the kids!!!!
I ask you to take a few moments and check out our web site.
The press release is there and we have already since May 1st raised over $135,000!!!!
On July 9th we will start at 9am in Las Vegas and run to Badwater and then on Monday July 14th I will be in the 10am starting group of the race.
The 810 web site and my blog will have many, many updates along the way and the 810 web site is going to post the course map and more information in the next few days. we are also setting up a way to donate on line so stay tuned.!!! As you know..we can all make a difference with one small act of do make a difference.
NOW...I Challenge you to send the 810 web site to 10 of your friends and ask them to send it to 10 of there friends..this is how it works, this is how we can change the World, ONE at a time..!!!
I believe this, do you???
Here is the support we have gotten so far and I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart!!!
Primal Quest
Here is the link to the story on
Sister Marybeths Web site
Take a good hard look at this and you tell me if it is not worth your time, effort and energy to reach out and help us with this project. This will blow you did me!
I leave you with this today..we all ask, what can I do today...what can I do today to make a difference. Well you can help us and if you would like to know more please email me
God Bless and Many Thanks
Lisa and team 810
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Crazy weather at the races!!! Tell us about yours?
Thank you so much for your help and advice.
It was an amazing event. It was super well organized.
However it was cold and rainy.
The water was 59 degrees and super high swells and white caps.
Right after my wave took off they canceled the swim. The water was too
rough and cold.
One girl suffered hypothermia and had to be life lighted to the
Some had to be lifted into boats.
I felt really bad for the men; none of them got to do the swim.
But I loved the swim. After my hands and feet and forehead went
completely numb I didn't feel anything any more.
The swells were a blast to go up and over them. I was laughing under
I was 10th for the US out of the water.
Anyway I feel really good about the whole thing.
However I was really happy with my performance. I did the best I could.
I ended up placing 12th for the United States and 28th in the world in
my age group!
NEXT: Our Jim Simone who is riding his bike across the weekend and now they have had some weather issues as well. Go Jim Go!!!
I'm currently in Great Bend Kansas- tomorrow we are heading off to McPherson Kansas- than to Abiline- and a rest day-
So far we have raised $15,775.00- but the fund raiser continues- so people can still donate their tax deductable contribution to Harbor House at
We have had a lot of head winds- we are in the 20th. day of this ride and we have had headwinds everyday except 3- in the mts. we had winds 35-40 mph with gusts up to 60mph- but at least this makes for interesting days-
The desert (Mojave) was beautiful- the Mts. stunning-the Plains (Tx., Oklahoma and Kansas-) are flat and windy-
This trip really is about team work- many times I've felt like bagging a day and taking the ride- when someone would reach out and get me going again-
A great example was today- as I pproached the 2nd. SAG stop at mile 50 I really was feeling beat p- after 50 miles of headwinds, avg. ride speed 11 mph- I was ready to bag the day- I ran into Rich and Darell- now I'm not a very experienced bike rider- I had never rode in a pace line- they taught me how to ride a pace line and draft and we just burned up the final 36 miles-
Physically I feel pretty good- my butt is a little sore- but mostly I feel good- the psychological aspect- just like any ultra- is the toughest- to get up day after day and do it again- to have those tremendous.
Thanks for the great coaching.
IT WOULD be so great if all of you who are reading this would post your race story from this past weekend!
Mine..well I was in a can driving for 2 days while many were going through all of this!
We are now back to the Tetons and thrilled. We were met by good friends when we arrived with dinner and they helped us un-load the truck. Its good to be back, really good.
Much love
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
10 ways!!!
Sister Marybeth sent this to me and I think it is worth sharing..I really enjoyed it.
Below are some timeless tips that will help you raise your vibration to enhance your manifesting success and connect more to the radiant truth of your being and the bountiful nature of reality.