Friday, June 02, 2006


 sunny, hot and perfect today! I pray for the same on Sat. for the SP 50 mile.
It was so wonderful to see Jay at the airport. Annabella ran so fast to jump into her daddys arms. She had everyone on the plane clap for her as we were landing in SLC and she was yelling, I'm home daddy, I'm home!!!
I'm looking forward to seeing many new and old friends/clients this weekend, this is really my favorite part of the sport of ultra running. The people, the wonderful people.
Finlay: I won the Grasslands 50 because all the fast women did not show up!:)
I won because I stayed at 80% and can power walk 5 mph and because I stuck out the plan I made for the race. I worked on my hydration and got 300 calories an hour in.
It worked like magic, now let's see about tomorrow!
If you are doing a race this weekend yourself, have a safe one and remember to stay hydrated!
Many Blessings
Happy Feet!
Lisa Smith-Batchen

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