Saturday, March 04, 2006

Book I just finished reading

I just finished reading a good inspiration book.
Why Courage Matters The Way To A Braver Life
By:John Mccain
The back of the book reads this:
"Were all afraid of something. Some have more fears that others. The one we must all guard is the fear of ourselves. Don't let the sensation of fear convince you that you're too weak to have courage. Fear is the opportunity for courage, not proof of cowardice. No one is born a coward. We were meant to love. And we were meant to have courage for it.
So be brave. The rest is easy."
 "We are taught to understand, correctly, that courage is not the absence of fear but the capacity for action despite out fears."
Worth reading.
I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.
Fear is your friend, honor it and trust it with all your heart!

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