Wednesday, February 06, 2008

From the Race Front: M(arianne) DeMarco

<Editor's Note: We have confirmed with M that this not the pack she will be carrying for MDS.>

On last weekend's Rocky Raccoon Race in Huntsville, TX

What surprised you most about the race?
That all three of my iPod shuffles died. Aside of that... that you don't necessarily need to have the body Bill Rodgers to be an ultra-runner. You can be seventy-five, you can be short and stubby, you can look like a paperclip or you can be pudgy-- so long as you can keep going forward you can finish.

What advice helped you achieve your goal?

Did you meet any new friends on the course?
Nope. That’s not how I roll. ;-)

Is there something you learned that you'll use in future races (good, bad, or ugly!)
You can plan and plan and plan and plan... but you're just going to have to roll with it once you're on the course. The weather will surprise you, you'll forget to pick up the immodium that you needed on the second loop, you didn't have time for the third cup of coffee you require.. you're going have to improvise at some point.

Any words of advice for others thinking about doing an ultra?
Register for the race before thinking it over. Don't think, just press the "register now" button.

1 comment:

Lisa Smith-Batchen said...

Hey M!

Impressive to say the least. You had a great race..your 1st 50 mile race and really running better than I thought you were going to. I so love your determintation and your beautiful spirit.
