Monday, August 21, 2006

quote for the day!

 Richard and Rhonda Benyo have both run the Badwater double, I adore them so very much. Below is a quote from Richard and it just makes me smile from ear to ear!

"We had done this thing we had set out to do, and instead of becoming larger because of the experience, we became smaller, more humble more aware of how little we know: about the world in general, about ourselves specifically." 
- Richard Benyo in "The Death Valley 300. 
Wed. Marshall Ulrich and I start a training camp here in the Tetons! We will send you some updates and photos. It has been so beautiful here and is going to continue with this. Next week is RACE week. We are so looking forward to seeing so many of you..
I ran for 1:30 today and it felt so good, I'm back, my energy is back and I feel good. Ready to rock and roll.
The money is still coming in for the kids, my cup keeps running over and over. If someone told me that we could raise another $150,000 for the kids I would go back and do it again! The 310 miles was more than worth the journey in so many ways.
God Bless you all

Check out today. Breaking news, video search, pictures, email and IM. All on demand. Always Free.

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